Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Queues Since Ages Ago

Christmas is a busy and stressful time, especially if you work in retail (and I have) but shit in my mouth, some shops could do a lot towards making life easier on themselves.

Take for example NZ Post Shops which haven’t changed the way they do things for so long I’m beginning to think that they actually enjoy the misery the cause and why not aye, if you’re not enjoying your job why should anyone else?

If you take a history tour through the website you can read about how pioneering post shops were back in the early 1900s. In fact there’s so much historical goodness on the site that it will feel like you started reading it all back in the 1900s and just to complete the picture, if you go into a post shop today and experience their complete lack of technology, you’ll feel like it is the 1900s.

Oh sure, they’ve got ‘puters and stuff. But they’ve also got queues almost long enough to almost make it back to that period...

Let me just say at this point I am in no way having a go at Posties because they do a fine job and around this time of year, a damn good one. If Posties were to be removed as a means of making way for technology then the world would be a little sadder for the experience. Our Charlie (the dog, not the old adversary from ‘67 – ’69) would also have no one to bark hysterically at other than the secretive Asians across the road. Oh the irony.

I loathe going into the Post Shop because in a world where everything can be scanned, weighed and stickered in some impersonal, cold, self service kiosk parcels and alike can’t at the Post Shop. Why the fuck not I ask myself whilst waiting 20 minutes in a queue of people wanting to do just that.

Even if you have had the sense to pre package, sticker and attach postage to your parcel, you still have to wait in line to hand it over to the grumpy bitch behind the counter to put in a bag. A bag that could hang somewhere secure but accessible I imagine but hey, why make life easy for your customers aye?

Now my reluctant sojourn into Camp Customer Service was to register the Passion Wagon for another six months of smooth rides and delivering every time. I didn’t have the actual rego form with me but I did have all the relevant account / reminder numbers because I know how these things work, you have to have some sort of unique identifier and I was sweet, I had three.

But yet still, after waiting in the queue till about roughly 1963, I was told by Mrs Clause at the counter that I needed to fill out a form, despite her being able to bring my deets instantly up on screen using the plate details. Why then, did I need to fill out a form I inquired? I just had to. For no other reason I could fathom then her needing to stamp it at the end of the transaction, because what else is she going to do with the modern marvel that is the manual hand stamp, just another relic in a store full of them.

Now it's not often I lose my rag but I came very close to that morning, almost as much as the afternoon I rock'n'rolled on full auto whilst pulling away from the two Parkies who had just told me to move on from a loading bay whilst waiting to pick up Mrs ClubDes. I fucken hate Parkies.

Still, it is the season for giving so this life changing feedback will not disappear needlessly into the wasteland that is the internets. I shall point out these opportunities for improvement to the good folk at NZ Post not via their website – I know how they are with technology after all – but by post.

That’ll learn them.

The queue at our local NZ Post Shop dates back to the 1900's...

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