Friday, June 27, 2008

Eyes Wide Shut

I didn’t think anyone was that silly enough to buy into Lynx’s latest attempt at trying to convince average looking men everywhere that buying their deodorant – and it is only a deodorant – somehow enhances your ability to pull loose women. Until I saw the guy in the supermarket the other day with not one, but two packs of the ‘1 + 2 =3’ Lynx spray.

Lynx reckon that if you take one can and mix it with the second can then you get a whole new scent, which obviously must be too good, or flammable, to put in a can because if they could they’d be able to sell it separately and make a mint, wouldn’t they? I reckon they tried to bottle and name it, but unfortunately ‘fly spray’ was already in use. This is the stuff of Mensa really – mixing stuff to make something new. Why just the other day I took a dry chocolate powder, added hot water and mixed in some milk. The result was a refreshing beverage! Fuck me. I was going to demand the guy hand back his man card but i figured I’d save him a few bucks by offering him a ‘can 3’ I had at home. It’s actually oven cleaner with the label removed but I doubt he’ll catch on.

Lynx have proven that yet again, there’s one born every minute. Idiots that is, not Asians, although there probably is an Asian born every minute. The best news story I saw all week was the bit on the group of vigilante Asians in Auckland who are going to proactively end crime in the street when and where they see it. With martial arts apparently and not their command of the English language. The leader spoke passionately on TV3 news, he just wasn’t all that clear. He didn’t want his face shown so that the gang bangers wouldn’t know who he was but i reckon they’ll see him coming, he’ll be the one dressed like a ninja.

All jokes aside though I’m all for people taking back the streets. The Five O are clearly not having much luck, not for want of trying mind you, so not surprisingly we’re seeing more and more people offloading on the likes of taggers, boy racers and other such stand up citizens. I once took a ‘Which Comic Book Hero Are You’ quiz and I turned out to be The Punisher. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I read an article in a boy’s mag recently that priced the cost of forcibly taking over a third world country as a very cheap seven million NZ dollars. Fuck that’s do able. I’m starting a whip round as of Monday and when I have enough I’m going to fly in the 75 Saffa mercenaries, 60 AK47s and two Soviet helicopter gunships that buys me and then things are really going to kick off around here. Anyone wanting in please let me know – genuine enquiries only though, I’ve been burnt before when trying to put a small army together.

Speaking of crimes against society, the first and hopefully last season of the NZ version of ‘Stars in Their Eyes’, the show that brings you costumed karaoke, thankfully just came to an end. Now when I was a boy – I was raised as a young child incidentally – I used to love watching the UK version. Michael Barrymore used to host it, until he decided to drown one of his rent boys in his swimming pool. Surprisingly his career went downhill from there. Who would have thought, aye? The English version was tight, you actually had to sound like the person you were impersonating and if you got through to the final you had to sing a different song than the heat. If you happened to look like the artist after 4 hours of having makeup trowel led across your face then that was a bonus, but it was all about the singing.

The makers of our version didn’t seem so concerned that most of the contestants didn’t actually sound like the artist, which might be okay at a deaf 21st karaoke party – and I’ve been to one of those – but it would seem to be an oversight in a impersonation based talent show. The deaf 21st had a stripper too by the way. Yup. There’s nothing quite as erotic I tell you, as a petrified young lady in a g string trying to lap dance the birthday boy whilst closely circled in by a growling, grunting, gesticulating mob of deaf folk.

The finalists sung the same song they had in their heat and bizarrely, most of them didn’t even look like the star they were mimicking. The guy who wished he was doing George Michael was built like a shit brick house, the chick doing Tina Turner was actually born a man and goes by the stage name ‘Cindy of Samoa’ in real life, Roy Orbison was a pasty ginga with a nose like the Concorde and Billy Joel – the eventual grand final winner – did look a little like him but only if the real BJ gains about 30kg. All of which made for several episodes of quite possibly the shittiest TV ever produced here. And yet it was so bad I couldn’t help but not watch to see what was coming next. It was ‘2 girls 1 cup’ all over again, only with Simon Barnett, who freakishly still doesn’t look a day over 15.

Sadly the best performer for my mind was the Christian girl who did an awesome Melissa Etheridge. She loved the songs she admitted, but couldn’t agree with Melissa drinking from the furry cup like she does. Oh the irony.


  1. Long time viewer, first time commenter;

    Love your work here, but I unfortunately must correct you and say that Michael Barrymore was not the host of the UK version of Stars in their Eyes. The bloke you are referring to was in fact Matthew Kelly.

    I remember this vividly as the contestants always said 'Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be....'

    According to Wikipedia he was tthe host from 1993 - 2004 when he was succeeded by Davina McCall which is unimportant. What is important is that she was succeeded by the vivacious minx that is Cat Deely. Now you must remember jacking off to her on after school in the days that UK MTV was on our screens!

  2. Dear Long Time Feeler, First Time Comer;

    Yes thank you for picking my deliberate mistake, you win this months 'spot the deliberate mistake' prize which is a 6 month membership to the quarterly magazine that comes out every fortnight 'Naked Men Smoking Weed'. Enjoy.

    I had an inkling that Barrymore hosted it before Matthew but I see now that I cannot compete with the big brain that is Wankipedia.

    And asking if I remember Cat Deeley is like asking if I ever stuck my willy up the tap when I was young. Of course! Cat came along just as our generation were gagging to have somebody new hot on TV to have a quick one over - it'd been a while since Fenella Bathfield had left our screens and teenage balls up and down the country were turning blue at an alarming rate.

    It was a national day of shame the day MTV was switched off. No matter how one tried after that, the undie girls in the DEKA catalogues never looked quite as hot as our Cat had.
