Monday, November 23, 2009

Who Violated Who Facebook?!

I suffered the infamy this week of having Facebook remove my profile picture. I feel so dirty and violated.

Apparently a man can’t even show some back, crack and sack these days without someone taking an offence. Whether it was that someone complained or that Facebook simply came across it I shall never know. I suppose they have searches running for these things but I cringe at what they must have had as the search definitions if that was the case.

Maybe it was a spurned ‘friend’ that dobbed me in. I tried to think about the last one I declined and I’m pretty sure it was the request from Jesus. Damn him and his omnipresence.

So now I’m torn between wanting to push the envelope and post another dodgy pic, or just post nothing in protest. It might be a complete waste of space and serve no real purpose in the grand scheme of things, but I wouldn’t want to be the only guy you’ve even known to be kicked off Facebook. My mate Veins was but to be honest, if any one individual was likely to be kicked off a social networking site then Vinnie is that guy.

Our Lillian has just discovered the pros and cons of the ‘ol FB and was quite possibly the last person on earth to do so. Apart from George Clooney that is, who has declared that he will never ever have a page. What a guy. I bet he’s on their every night under some pseudonym perving at young girls along with the rest of us.

But unlike George, Lillian is suffering from that inability to say ‘no’ to every bugger who asks to be his friend just as we all did when we first signed up. Now he’s torn between not wanting to piss off work colleagues he hardly even talks to during the day and long lost buddies who some 500 plus ‘friends’ later seem to have just been waiting for the day he signed up.

Maybe it was he that dobbed me in, or maybe it was my angelic, twenty something, Greek goddess of a mate who laughed when I told her what had happened and declared that her profile would no longer look like she had some dodgy old guy stalking her. Well...the thumbnail may change but the truth will still be the truth XTina!

So now I’m putting Facebook on notice, because from here on in I’ll be wasting their time by flagging anything I find as only even slightly dodge as offensive. Babies in the bath? Paedophilia. Booze hags bearing their under carriage because they’ve fallen over in a drunken stupor? Porn. Munters doing the finger in every single photo trying to look ‘right hard’? Hate incitement. My mate breast feeding? Well, that one’s okay. I might have to check it again a couple of times just to make sure though...

Oh well. What do I give a fark, it wasn’t a real picture of me anyway. But it was bloody funny...

Does my mullet look big in this...?

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