Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ron Weasels on ESPN. Well Wanky.

And now a little something form the ‘I couldn’t make this shit up’ file.

A few posts ago I made the rather witty comparison that Ed Sheeran, singer of the deeply moving ‘The A Team’ looked a lot like Ron Weasels from the Harry Potter films. I linked the two because they are of course, gingas.

Now usually I don’t link back to my own work because I think that’s an extremely wanky thing for anyone to do, but just this once I’m going to otherwise this rather serendipitous follow up is not going to work if you haven’t read the original.

That’s the second time in as many weeks as I’ve used the term serendipitous. Now that is wanky.

Imagine my surprise then when JK told me that he walked in on his brother watching the latest Ed Sheeran music video which stars, wait for it, Ron Weasels. Or rather Rupert Grint, the actor who plays him. Jeez he had it tough right from the start didn’t he; not only did his parents make him a raging fire crotch but then they went and named him Rupert…

Luckily JK wasn’t fazed by walking in on this, unlike my family who found me downloading a naked picture of Ronan Keating almost the very same day. They still don’t believe it was for this post.

Fuck, that’s the second link I’ve used now. Wanky. Very wanky.

Anyhoo, the video is very well done and well worth a look if you fancy Ed Sheeran, Ron Weasles or simply want to marvel in my omnipotence. Honestly, I must have ESPN or something to have picked this one.

Allow me to link you. Wank.

Ed and Rupert, as seen on my ESPN.

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