Friday, February 3, 2012

Football Fashionistas

The Phoenix are riding high this season and I for one am well impressed.

Not because I have any desire to have long warm showers with the lads but because they’ve got a lot of haters arund the place which is a shame really because of all our professional teams here in Welling Town, they by far, do the bizzo season in and season out.

This week they donned an all black strip which each player is auctioning of for his charity of choice. It’s a nice touch but you have to wonder if the fellas are doing themselves any favours in the mastermind stakes by allowing this to appear on each of their auctions:

The adidas strip was designed by players Andrew Durante, Tim Brown and Leo Bertos using adidas’ online customization tool

Um it’s black. With adidas stripes. That are white.

I don’t think the fashion houses of Paris and Milan have anything to worry about just yet with these guys. Still, that’s why they’re footballers I suppose.

Andrew 'Dainty' Durante: Footballer, Fashionista, Good with colours.

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