Sunday, December 27, 2009

Best / Worst of 2009 Lists

Are complete shit and a waste of time.

Not just for the geezer who compiles one, but for those of us who have the misfortune to read it, but then that’s why at this time of the year every bastard is doing one, because they can’t really be bothered coming up with something original.

These lists are also two things; subjective and irrelevant.

Subjective because opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Your best film of the year is likely to appeal to you for the same reasons I can’t stand it, so it’s not so much about the list as it is about how cool the compiler thinks they are and believe me, there are a lot of dicks out there who think they’re cool.

Irrelevant because chances are you, like I, were actually here on Earth for most of 2009 and not on Dagobah (in the Sluis sector), so it’s highly likely that there will be nothing new for you on the list. And hey, if it wasn’t the shizz back in June then putting it on a ‘Best of’ list six months later doesn’t make it any the more cooler.

‘Best of the Decade’ lists are even worse, for all the aforementioned reasons and are usually heavily weighted with stuff that happened only in the last few years, because Mr Ice making the list can’t actually remember back further than that. What a peen-arse.

So in the spirit of useless lists compiled at the end of the year, here is mine, only it’s not a ‘Best Of’, it’s a list of shit I really hope we see less of in 2010:

1. Amy Winehouse
2. Talk of the 2011 Rugby World Cup
3. Talk of the All Blacks winning the 2011 RWC
4. Rugby in general
5. Lists
6. The guy at my work who keeps trying to make Facebook friends with everyone in the building
7. Wife beater Veitch
8. Poo chicks doing anything to be noticed
9. Munters taking advantage of the above poo chicks
10. Lisa Lewis (although I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more than just the ‘guided tour’ pics she has on her webpage...)

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