Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So Long Sir Howard

I was going to start a blog asking if anyone was sick of the whole Michael Jackson death thing yet - but then poor old Sir Howard Morrison carked it and killed off the Jacko story big time.

I feel the same about Sir Howard's death as I did when Billy T James died; that the end of the era has just passed us by. Like Billy T, Sir Howie rose to super stardom in a different time and different era. He cultivated a natural talent with hard work and more than a decent set of morals.

Neither of them became famous on the back of having gigantic breast implants, or for getting married in the nude (which was a complete misnomer because they had their pink bits covered anyway), streaking at the rugby or by gang banging a bunch of silly, drunk tarts.

Both were quintessential New Zealanders in a way that once made us proud to be Kiwi's, really proud too, not in a 'we just beat Australia at gay rugby again' kind of way and we loved them both for it. It's a cliche I know, but that shit is timeless and the memories and influence of a dude like Sir Howie will live on for many, many years to come.

There's just one small thing that kind of breaks the ice at such a momentously emotional time like this; every time I see Temuera Morrison on the telly I can't help but think of that ridiculous scene in Star Wars Attack of the Clones where Obi Wan visits Jango Fett and his son. Even Temuera's taking part in the meanest of hakas doesn't rid my mind of some of the worst acting in the Star Wars universe. Ever.

Oh well, I'll just have to get over it and get on with life I suppose. At least we don't have to hear about MJ anymore. It is true what they say - every cloud does have a silver lining.

"You're not in Guatemala now Dr Jango.."

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