Thursday, January 7, 2010

Silly Bitch of the Week

Now if there’s one thing we love here at ClubDes it’s an active sheila and in fact many of our Girls of the Week have been sports women.

But we would be the first to admit that to get to the top of the sporting chain you have to be a special kind of character and it can be a fine line between being a highly focused athlete and a bona fide nut bar, as optimised by Australian athlete Jana Pittman / Rawlinson, our first ever official Silly Bitch of the Week.

Jana can be Googled under the two names because she married her coach of two years in 2006. They had a son together not long afterwards and stayed together for three years before separating and divorcing in 2009, at which point she reverted back to her maiden name. She had some other geezer coach her for a short while too before deciding that she wanted her ex back and they are now this year, officially to remarry, but only after the couple finalise their divorce to annul their first marriage.

But that’s just drama number one.

Pittman is a controversial character in Oz on account of a running feud she had with fellow competitor Tamsyn Lewis during 2006. Both are 400 & 800 metre runners and in the trials for 2006 Commonwealth Games Pittman declared ‘she had no competition’ after winning her heat. Understandably that pissed Lewis right off and she promptly thrashed Pittman in the final, as did several other runners leaving the silly bitch to finish dead set last.

The hissy fits continued later that year in the Commonwealth Games proper where both girls ran together in the 400 metres relay team amid all the name calling and cat fighting between the two. Aussie finished second to England but were later handed the gold after England were disqualified for a baton change violation. Tamsyn Lewis had pointed out to the judges the violation and it was that which had led to the disqualification.

Now Pittman, the silly bitch, was planning to move to England after the Games on account of all the negative publicity she was getting in Aussie after the trials, so naturally she was torn between winning gold and kissing the English arse of the athletes she would no doubt train with when she got there. She later wrote a letter of apology to the English team and offered her gold medal to them. Jana blamed the disqualification of England solely on Lewis, forgetting that she had helped lead the protest over the baton change. Mr Rawlinson, it should probably be noted, is English too.

Once the news broke that pretty much set the scene for the next few years where not surprisingly, she wasn’t high on the Christmas card list of many Australian sports fans and that alone would be enough to have had her win this new award of ours, Silly Bitch of the Week.

But wait, there’s more.

She was in the news again this week after word got out that she had just had her breast implants removed, because she found they inhibited her running in the lead up to the 2012 Olympic Games. Another fine career choice it would seem, to have had them in the first place, especially afetr she had accused Lewis of being more interested in a career as a ‘bikini babe’ after having appeared in an FHM spread.

But lovers of skinny, athletic chicks with big nungas should not despair; she has said that she would consider having her breasts augmented again once her athletic career was over.

Maybe then she can just get on with being a silly bitch.

Jana, possibly post augmentation but we can't really tell either way.

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