Saturday, October 17, 2009

Best Sporting Quote of All Time?

Quite possibly one of the most honest and amusing sporting quotes you're ever likely to hear came out of the mouth this week of Argentine National Team Manager, former World Cup Winner and legend of the game, Diego Maradona.

Maradona was speaking at the televised press conference after Argentina's great escape against Uruguay, a game they simply had to win in order to qualify for the World Cup Finals next year in South Africa.

Prior to this game Maradona and his team had come under heavy criticism from the national press in a country where people die for their football, so understandably they were a little pissed that the team was playing so poorly. Maradona was humble in victory:

"To those who did not believe in us - and ladies forgive me - they can suck my dick and keep on sucking it," he said. "I am black or white; I'll never be grey in my life."

"You lot take it up the arse, if the ladies will pardon the expression. This is for all Argentineans except for the journalists. I would like to thank the team for giving me the privilege to lead Argentina to the World Cup. Thank you to the Argentinean people who had faith.

"This is for those who did not believe in the team and treated me like dirt - but we still qualified with honour. They will now have to accept this. I want to thank the players and the fans - no one but them."

Maradona's comments were much like the man played football; direct, entertaining and breath taking. Consider yourself blessed - you may have just read one of the greatest sporting quotes of all time.

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