Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Cometh and Goeth (Thank God for That)

Now we all know that we Kiwis don't really get into the spirit of Halloween.

Most of us see it as an Americanised thing that only comes about because we watch so much Americanised garbage on the box. But it's precisely for that very reason that there are now a whole generation of kids up and down the country who love the whole idea of dressing up, knocking on strangers doors and begging for shit. Or lollies. Depends what you're into I suppose.

Of course the scaremongers amongst us love this time of year because they can crank up the myth that there is a paedophile behind every door. Thankfully we haven't reached the state of paranoia about kiddie fiddlers that they have in the UK where an online newspaper heading this week read "Parents Are Warned Not to Watch Their Kids at a Park - In Case They Are A Paedophile".

Anyways, we don't really do the 'Ween here at ClubDes but we got many at our door who did. Here are a select few who, despite interrupting us from our streaming kiddie porn each and every time, did earn themselves a sweetie for making us laugh.

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