Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Politicians and Cashies

I dunno about you cats but I'm well over our politicians fleecing we, the tax payers, once in office.

How is it that many of those elected by the people to serve the people can so easily live the life of luxury when many of those that bought them that privilege suffer through tough economic times? It must be some white cunts joke that we black cunts don't get.

It's almost as if they see being elected as the hard work and everything that comes along after that as the reward. Free travel, subsidised housing, personal expenses paid not to mention the aides these ministers have following them around like a fluffer on a porn set. Fuck me, it's tough at the top isn't it?

For example, Chris Carter, NZs gayest politician (and that's not a slur, he really is) spent over $130k in international travel in six short months whilst Labour was in power. He argues that everything was approved by the PM at the time (she of the suspect living arrangement) and that it was all above board.

Perhaps it was, ethically speaking, but morally it's right up there with stand up sodomy. For example he and his partner, who went with him on all his trips, spent over $7000 in a two night excursion to Sydney which is one hell of an expensive hand job in a hotel if you ask me. How do you rack up such a bill when you and I can get airfares to Oz as cheap as chips?

I'll tell you how; if you think you're above the good folk who elected you then you'll have no qualms about taking their hard earned taxes and living it up at every opportunity. Incidentally Carter thinks that the fuss around him taking his partner on his travels rises from the fact that he's gay. Not really Chris, although that does create some disturbing mental images, but it's because it's really a waste of our money, you tit.

Meanwhile, Bill English, the Minister of Fi-fucken-nance, tries to tell us that he didn't break any rules in claiming an allowance that most of us believe that morally he isn't entitled too. He's paid it back but the question you have to ask yourself is would he have done so if the shit hadn't hit the fan? Either he knew what he was doing and figured no one would notice or he's as thick as the clowns that several major European banks employed to run their empires a few years ago and who had no banking experience prior to getting the job! Not surprisingly they promptly ran the banks into the ground.

I know why these guys get away with this carry on. It's that ingrained 'good on ya mate' attitude we have towards those that pull a sneaky and who come out the better for it. It starts with getting someone in for a 'cashie', or claiming benefits that we aren't really entitled too or staying on ACC for a tad bit longer than we actually should. It happens when they guy next door takes more seafood when out in the boat than he's allowed but gives you some regardless. Everybody has done it, seen it and probably lamented it, but still it goes on because no bugger says nothing.

But the times are a changin' and as High-ho Tito Philip Field found out recently more and more people are not happy with a cashie and aren't afraid to now say so. Here's hoping more of this ingrained, institutionalised wasting of taxpayers money comes out in the wash so those that abuse the privilege can be exposed for what they are; a waste of space. Funny thing though, the Philip Field case, because every transaction I've had with a Thai national has always finished with a happy ending...

Of course those that do abuse the system get away with it for at least three years before you and I can do anything about it. Imagine being able to steal from your employer and know that there is not much he can do about it for three years? I reckon guys like Messrs Carter and English should have a yearly performance appraisal (just as you and I do at work) conducted by those that put them there in the first place. That'll shit 'em right up.

But should we expect anything substantial from geezers who approve their own pay rises? I doubt it.

Carter (MP for Poo Bay, where he likes to drop anchor) and partner. Together camper than a row of tents.

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