Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sheila of the Week

You always have to be a bit wary anytime someone - particularly an airbrushed celebrity - is named the 'worlds sexiest' anything.

Esquire magazine made just such a call this week when they crowned Kate Beckinsale as the worlds sexiest woman and in doing so professed "Isn’t it time to pay more attention to Kate Beckinsale?"

Maybe. It's a decision that we personally have absolutely no issue with because Beckinsale is a stunner and one of our Top 5 favourite Mums as we detailed in our Mothers Day Special earlier in the year. We are more than happy to pay more attention to her but we can understand if some fellas don't agree with the magazine's choice and even we would have to wonder, just for a moment mind you, if she is truly the 'sexiest woman alive'.

What makes one person sexier than another in just such a competition anyway? How do they know, did they test everybody? And if so can we get a bit of that action next year? Let's be honest; one man's wank is another mans yawn and chances are the 'winner' is little more than the one handed surfing fantasy of the person who makes the editorial decisions.

Thankfully, to their credit, Esquire didn't go down the Megan Fox fan club path that every magazine / website / wank blog seems to be signing up for because that girl is definitely over rated. I've said it once and I'll say it twice; Megan Fox reminds me of Tea Leoni and look what became of her. Not to mention she's turned a perfectly good film franchise into a sexploitation exercise and in doing so lowered the IQ quotient of those who get excited about the likes of Transformers 3.

If you're wondering what the fuss over Beckinsale is all about then you need to watch either of the first two Underworld movies where she does the whole vamp clad in tight black leather thing. Yeah, yeah - who hasn't, but like Carrie Anne Moss in The Matrix before her it was the performance she delivered whilst clad in the said leather that makes it all the more memorable. If action flicks aren't your thing then try Click (if you can put up with Adam Sandler doing the same ol same ol for two hours that is).

Beckinsale is indeed an incredibly attractive sheila. She may well be the sexiest woman alive but we'll reserve judgement until we've seen them all, but until then we're more than happy to let her hold the crown for now.

And yes, we could have posted one of the many millions of pics of her clad in very little to help illustrate that she is a bit of alright, but we think it's the pics of her looking really, really, really ridiculously good looking in civvies that do her the most justice.

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